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Notebook customization

Notebook customization

       Guangzhou Xiao Ming Stationery Gifts Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of customized high-end business gifts notebook,loose notebook, imitation leather hardcover, leather notebook, fast delivery, good quality, cost-effective!

       Because the needs of enterprises, in order to better promote the business. In the notebook printing with corporate information, such as corporate logo or corporate propaganda and the like.

       Usually applied to the process are: cover brand ,logo hot stamping,logo imprint,Metal fittings,Leather color printing.

       The basic binding method to points, there are:

Loose-leaf binding

       Each page  can be replaced, and the ad page can be inserted into each spaced page 

Insert notebook

       The inner pages can be removed from the cover, and the advertisement page can be inserted into the front, middle and back part of the page according to the requirement in the production process.

fitted  Binding

       The inner page and the cover are mounted and fixed, and can not be disassembled. The advertisement page can be inserted into the front, the middle and the back parts of the page in the production process.

loose-leaf notebook size:(For reference only)

 loose-leafB5A5 A6
Cover Size275*210*30mm235*175*30mm185*135*30mm
Binding Style9ring6ring 6ring
inner page size260*188mm208*142mm  172*95mm
Number of inner pages80g*100sheet80g*100sheet  80g*100sheet
Carton Size520*450*290mm520*400*250mm520*300*200mm
Quantity per carton36pcs 36pcs 



Weight per carton29kg 22kg 12.5kg 

Insert notebook size(For reference only)

fitted notebook B5A5 A6
Cover Size268*195*20mm218*150*20mm178*100*20mm
Binding StyleSide sewingSide sewingSide sewing
inner page size608*190mm208*142mm 172*95mm
Number of inner pages80g*100sheet80g*100sheet80g*100sheet
Carton Size550*420*285mm 550*320*230mm550*320*200mm
Quantity per carton56pcs 56pcs 84pcs 
Weight per carton 37kg 23kg19kg

fitted  Binding notebook size

fitted  BindingB5A5 A6
Cover Size268*195*15mm218*150*15mm 178*100*15mm
inner page size260*188mm208*142mm208*142mm 208*142mm 
Number of inner pages80g*100sheet 80g*100sheet 80g*100sheet 
Carton Size550*420*285mm550*320*230mm550*320*200mm
Quantity per carton80pcs   80pcs 112pcs
Weight per carton 52kg  32kg   25kg



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