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How to popularize new customized notebook products to create value

Release date:2017-10-23 Author: Click:

When consumers buy products, they are influenced by consumption habits. First of all, they choose top selling business gifts and notebooks. Secondly, they choose new products with the mentality of trying. Therefore, the terminal sale of goods is the first time to solve the problem of "buy or not buy" new products. Different channels, terminal promotions are not the same way. For the conventional channels FCL purchase of consumers. The award card or gift box (such as cups, towels and other good effect). For the channel, the "high" direct cash back well. For modern channels (Shang Chao) to several packages as sales promotion unit is better.

Business book

The development of notebook customization industry so that more and more students are given a lot of notebook business gifts, fashion elements, it can be said that each new business gifts laptop into a lot of designer's creativity and effort, so the new listing for business gifts notebook manufacturers is not important. The most effective way to increase profits is to increase the price of products. The problem is that the price of the product channel is transparent, and the terminal price is difficult to raise. Hard price increases will lead to a rapid decline in sales. So the most effective way to the theory of the actual operation there is a big risk in the process of direct price is not feasible, and the most effective approach than the upgrading of products, improve the added value of relatively high in the new high-end products. This will not only solve the problem of channel price, but also change the problem of much more thanks to the sale. To improve the success rate of the promotion of medium and high grade products, we must solve the following problems:

This article URL:http://www.ytgjtm.com/en/news/353.html

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