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Release date:2017-07-15 Author: Click:

1, Maybe(句首) 和 may be(句中) 的區(qū)別

Maybe you are right 也許你是對(duì)的

You may be right 你也許是對(duì)的。

2, Although 或者though不能和but 連用

Although I am ill ,I go to school everyday 雖然我生病了,但是我還是每天去上學(xué)

=Though I am ill ,I go to school everyday

=I am ill ,but I go to school everyday

3, At least 至少

At least ,I can read books here 至少我能在這里讀書

At most 最多

At most ,I can eat two cakes 我最多能吃兩個(gè)蛋糕

4, such +a/an + 形容詞+名詞

He is such a good man 他是一個(gè)如此好的人

5, mind doing sth 介意做某事

I don’t mind reading books here 我不介意在這里讀書

6, point to 指向, I point to the building 我指向這個(gè)大廈

point at 指著, I can’t point at you 我不能指著你

point out 指出, I can point out your mistake 我能指出你的錯(cuò)誤

7, As a result 結(jié)果

As a result ,I can get 100 in the test 結(jié)果,我在考試中得了100分

8, How often 多久(頻率),how long 多久(時(shí)間長短),how soon 多久’(用在將來時(shí))

How often can you watch TV ? Once a week 你多久能看電視?一周一次

How long can I keep the book ?A week 我能借這本書多久?一個(gè)星期

How soon will you come back ? In a week 你多久能回來?一周以后。

9, hardly ever 幾乎不, 反義詞:almost 幾乎

I hardly ever forget your gift 我?guī)缀醪荒芡浤愕淖鳂I(yè)。

I almost finish my homework 我?guī)缀跬瓿闪宋业淖鳂I(yè)

10, for example 例如(后跟句子),such as 舉例(后跟詞匯)

I am a good boy ,for example I can get up early everyday


I love fruits such as bananas ,apples and grapes 我喜歡水果,例如:香蕉,蘋果和葡萄

11, more than 超過=over

I have more than 100 books = I have over 100 books 我有超過100本書

12, go hiking 去遠(yuǎn)足 I can go hiking 我能去遠(yuǎn)足

13, go camping 去露營 I can go camping in summer 我在夏天能去露營

14, go fishing 去釣魚 I can go fishing 我能去釣魚

15, go teaching 去教學(xué),I can go teaching 我能去教學(xué)

16, help sb with sth =help sb (to)do sth 幫助某人做某事

I can help you with your English =I can help you learn English 我能幫助你學(xué)習(xí)英語

17, can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事

I can’t help eating 我情不自禁的吃東西

18, It is +形容詞+for +sb +do sth 對(duì)于某人做某事是如何的

It is good for you to learn English well 把英語學(xué)好對(duì)你是很好的

19, find (找到),look for(尋找)

I can find my book 我能找到我的書

I am looking for a pen 我在尋找一支鋼筆

20, lost one’s way = get lost = be lost 迷路

I lost my way = I get lost =I am lost 我迷路了

21, on the way to 去。。。的路上

I am on my way to Beijing 我在去北京的路上

22, by the way 順便問問

By the way ,Do you like it ?順便問問,你喜歡它嗎?

22, in the way 用這個(gè)方式

He solve the problem in the way 他用這個(gè)方法解決了問題

23, how far 多遠(yuǎn)

How far is it ?Two miles 它有多遠(yuǎn)?兩英里

24, always 一直。I always like it 我一直喜歡它。

Usually 通常。 I usually go to school by bike 我通常騎單車去上學(xué)

Often 經(jīng)常。 I often read books 我經(jīng)常閱讀書

Sometimes 有時(shí),Sometimes ,I can read books here 有時(shí),我能在這里讀書。

This article URL:http://www.ytgjtm.com/en/news/344.html

Related tags:關(guān)鍵詞二

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